Feminism ruins Men In Black Part 4!

Feminism has doomed yet another beautiful franchise.
Yes, the fourth and the latest film in the Men in Black franchise is a far disgusting cry from what people have loved about the franchise and have come to expect of it.
For those unaware of the Men In Black franchise, it is based on the Malibu/Marvel comic book series The Men in Black by Lowell Cunningham. The franchise grew into a series of films that efficiently combined science fiction, action and comedy.
The earlier three films in the series, Men in Black (1997), Men in Black 2 (2002) and Men in Black 3 (2012)-all of which were defined by their creative inventiveness to blend comedy, science fiction and adventure, were directed by Barry Sonnenfeld.
However, the fourth and the latest instalment, which has been directed by F. Gary Gray, reeks of nothing but the stench of feminism.
Without any further ado, let’s get to the story:
Agent H (Chris Hemsworth) is MIB’s best agent in its UK branch, which incidentally is headed by High T (Liam Neeson).
Agent H is assigned the task of protecting Vuncan, a member of the Jababian royal family who has sought asylum in earth after having stolen something precious from there.
Molly (Tessa Thompson), a girl who has had a chance encounter with an alien at a young age, has been aspiring to become an MIB agent right from the time she was a child. She is so outstandingly brilliant and so enterprising that she even manages to find the agency that no other human being has been able to find.
Impressed by her extraordinary skill sets, O (Emma Thompson), one of the top bosses of MIB (who also happens to be a woman!), doesn’t erase her memories using a Neuralyser but instead makes her an intern as per her wish. She is given the name Agent M.
Now, Intern M is intent on proving her mettle and earning her place as an agent in the agency that is not known to the rest of the world. So, when she sees the task of protecting Vuncan being assigned to Agent H, she offers her services to assist him.
The female intern, showcased as being diligent, intelligent, smart, savvy and caring, soon shows the agency and the universe how she is much, much better than even the best male agent, who is showcased as being irresponsible, weak, pretentious, arrogant and incompetent.
She is the one to find that there are dyads who are looking to kill Vuncan. She manages to win his confidence and he entrusts to her care something which can destroy the universe before breathing his last. But this is just the beginning as Agent M soon realizes that the entity entrusted to her care is being sought after by a much greater force…
It is very evident that director Gary Grey and the film’s producers have tried desperately to make a film that will please feminists.
So, what will please the feminists?
Point 1. Always make women ‘the victim’. Show how the world is a ‘difficult place’ for women while it a walk in the park for men. More importantly, show how women ‘succeed’ despite the “odds being heavily stacked against them”.
Point 2. Show women as being responsible, competent, caring and smart on the one hand and show men as being irresponsible, uncouth, arrogant, incompetent and pretentious.
Point 3. Just negate anything that might be construed as good work done by men and attribute it to an element of chance or luck.
Point 4: In short, show that the best of men can still be beaten hollow by the worst of women.
The fourth instalment of MIB does all of this shamelessly in the hope of pleasing feminists.
What the film sub-consciously looks to highlight is this. A female has to find and plead to get into an organization that otherwise would be going in search of its male recruits. It gives her only on outside chance as an intern while her male counterparts live an ‘entitled’ life. There is even a discussion between O and M on how an agency can be called ‘Men in Black’.
As if this was not enough, the film even has M, an intern in the agency, declaring how the world has been in luck as it has survived despite men being entrusted with its security.
When she is promoted and sent to the US while the so-called best male agent is made the training head of interns, she rubs it in by appointing a baby sitter for the best male agent saying that he wouldn’t survive without such a person!
Needless to say, the baby sitter has all the qualities of who we would describe as a mangina in the real world.
The jokes don’t make you laugh, the action sequences don’t thrill you and the sexist dialogues make you want to puke. In all, you wish they hadn’t named this as the fourth instalment of MIB or better still, you wish you hadn’t watched this film at all.